Monday, March 21, 2011

First Day In Heaven.

As we look around and see what is happening in the world today, we who believe what the Bible says can truly agree that our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ will soon return for us, His “Bride."

We in the body of Christ have many great things to look forward to.

We who have accepted Christ as our Savior will stand before God at the Judgment Seat. We will at that time receive what is due to us (2 Corinthians 5:10.)

The Judgment Seat is not for the sinners but for the saved. God will judge our works based on our words, actions, motives and character. The sinners will stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15.)

We are so blessed to be living in Central Florida. Everywhere we look, we see the wonderful reminders of God's handiwork in this beautiful land.

But one day, as predicted by Isaiah, this earth will be destroyed (Isaiah 34:4.)

Then in Rev. 21:1, John says: "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had all passed away.

The word "new" in this scripture comes from the Greek word Kainos, meaning "new of a different kind."

When God created the first earth he said it was good (Genesis 1:31). Yet I believe the new heaven and the new earth will be much, much better.

We can read about Heaven in the book of Revelation. It tells us about many of the wonderful things that will be inside that beautiful city.
That city measures 12,000 Stadia in length (Rev. 21:6.)
We know that it is around 1,380 miles sq., as tall as it is wide. Wow! That is almost half the size of North America, and God built it just for us, the church, the body of Christ.
The city is so beautiful; Rev. 21:11 says it has the Glory of God in it. That alone is the most wonderful reason to go.

Heaven is described as having walls of jasper and the foundations of the walls are garnished with all manner of precious stones, gates of pearl, streets of transparent gold and the city is pure gold, like clear glass. It is also a city where there is no more pain, sickness or even death (Rev. 21:3-4.)

Have you ever thought about what we will do with our time in heaven? Time will be no more. No rising or setting of the sun. No time clocks to punch or schedules to keep. But I believe we will have plenty to do. We have scriptures that tell us some of the things that will take place in heaven, but my question to you today is this: What will you do when you first arrive inside of that city?

As wonderful as we have heard it will be, the half has not been told. Think about it and let me know your opinions. Thank you in advance for your responses.

God Bless You,

Pastor Mike


  1. I believe the very first thing that I would do when I first arrive inside that wonderful city is fall to my knees and worship my father. My heavenly Father! We will be in such awe when we meet him, we will not be able to do anything else. I believe there will be many of those who have gone on before us waiting, but we will not be able to approach them due to the glory we will be in and experienceing. He will be totally due our undivided attention and praise! We know only what the bible has told us, but you are right, not even half has been told!

  2. I want to see Jesus....I want to feel the wonderful, overwhelming joy of His love. I want to see my grandmother again and finally meet my grandfather. My mind cannot comprehend what I will see in that city and what a wonderful surprise it will be!

  3. I am exciting to see with "new" eyes. I think that we cannot fully understand everything that we read about in Revelation because we are limited in our finite ways of thinking. I can't to really see and understand all of what heaven really is.

  4. The first thing I'll do is find Jesus and fall to my knees. I'll probably weep at his feet until he wipes away my tears and takes me to the Father and the Holy Spirit. Oh what a day that will be!

  5. I'll finally find out what it truly means to be a son of God. I know what it means to be my parents child; a husband; a father; a grandfather; and many other natural titles, but to understand the fullness of what He has birthed in me will be revelatory to say the least.

    Larry Morgan
